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March 28, 2022

Exercise and Mitochondria: Use It and Nurture It

Springtime and warmer weather brings anticipation of getting outside and exercising. Bike rides, long-walks, golf, baseball, and other activities are back on the agenda for many. Shedding the Pandemic and winter weight gain provides a stro…

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March 14, 2022

Plant-Based Diets Lack Taurine

Do you eat a plant-based diet or limit meat consumption? You may be lacking an important amino acid needed for vision, calming the nerves, brain health, detoxification, bile acid production, cardiovascular health, and more. Discover why you need tau…

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March 7, 2022

Top 7 Supplements for Stress Resiliency, Sleep, and Mood

Stress affects everyone differently. Some individuals push through stress and seemingly have no problems until they crash in sheer exhaustion. Some may find themselves craving and eating food to calm their emotions, while others may not want to eat.…

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Jan. 24, 2022

Taking Zinc? Balance It With Copper!

Are you taking a zinc supplement? Be sure it’s balanced with copper. At Wellness Resources, we have many specialty formulas that balance nutrients in the right amounts for optimum health. Sometimes when you take isolated nutrients, it can lead…

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Jan. 17, 2022

Whey Protein and Glycomacropeptides

Protein has been a popular topic for decades, yet many still have questions. How much do you need? Aren’t all protein sources the same? What are the benefits of protein? As diet trends change over time, we find what works and what doesn’…

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Jan. 10, 2022

Nighttime Eating, Sleep-Wake Cycles, and Stress Management

The New Year naturally brings resolutions to make healthier habits. With busy and erratic schedules, regular mealtimes often fall by the wayside. Meals are skipped or other irregular eating patterns occur. In addition, inconsistent sleep-wake routin…

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Dec. 6, 2021

Healthy Mucosal Barriers Makes for a Healthier You

The human body is a marvelous creation with unique tissues of all types that work in concert unlike anything else. It is made up of liquids like saliva, urine, blood, bile, and digestive juices. It houses a gut microbiome that outnumbers your own ce…

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Nov. 30, 2021

New Discoveries Highlight the Importance of Vitamin D

Fall and winter seasons bring colder temperatures, cloudy skies, and a lower angle of the sun in the sky. We spend more time indoors and have less skin exposed when outdoors. These factors significantly impact your ability to make vitamin D from the…

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Nov. 22, 2021

Resveratrol for Skin, Brain, Heart Health

Various television commercials over the years have focused on “you can’t just stop at one”. I find that to be the case for polyphenols like resveratrol. Once you start learning about what plant-based nutrients do for the human body…

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Oct. 4, 2021

Restore Health After an Immune Challenge

Health is a gift. A blessing. Until it declines, it is easy to take your health for granted. Whether it is bounding up the stairs without joint pain, easily reading fine print, having the energy to participate in athletics, walking gracefully withou…

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