The New Year naturally brings resolutions to make healthier habits. With busy and erratic schedules, regular mealtimes often fall by the wayside. Meals are skipped or other irregular eating patterns occur. In addition, inconsistent sleep-wake routin…
The human body is a marvelous creation with unique tissues of all types that work in concert unlike anything else. It is made up of liquids like saliva, urine, blood, bile, and digestive juices. It houses a gut microbiome that outnumbers your own ce…
Fall and winter seasons bring colder temperatures, cloudy skies, and a lower angle of the sun in the sky. We spend more time indoors and have less skin exposed when outdoors. These factors significantly impact your ability to make vitamin D from the…
Various television commercials over the years have focused on “you can’t just stop at one”. I find that to be the case for polyphenols like resveratrol. Once you start learning about what plant-based nutrients do for the human body…
Health is a gift. A blessing. Until it declines, it is easy to take your health for granted. Whether it is bounding up the stairs without joint pain, easily reading fine print, having the energy to participate in athletics, walking gracefully withou…
Medications have side effects. Listen to the announcer in drug commercials rattle off a long list of ill-effects or look at the paragraph(s) of adverse effects on your drug information sheet or website. As your health declines from drug side effects…