Marie Hoäg

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Clinical Hormone Coach and Consultant

Marie Hoäg (pronounced Hoy-g) is a clinical hormone coach and consultant and has been in the female hormone medicine field for two decades —in the hormone clinic working with patients, an educator and consultant to HRT prescribing physicians, and as a researcher diving deep into the hormone estrogen, estrogen deficiency diseases, and female hormone restoration protocols.

Marie is an estrogen advocate and believes women are under-dosed in estrogen and other important female hormones needed to mentally and physically thrive. She is the author of the book Menopause Prevention and is currently on a mission to educate women and doctors about the power of full female hormone restoration.

Oct. 2, 2023

A Closer Look at Hormone Balancing and Menopause with Marie Hoag

Potassium-rich foods offer health benefits for older women: study Interview with Marie Hoag Marie's website - Spectrum Vibrance: The We...
Guest: Marie Hoäg