Dr. Terry Zachary

Dr. Terry Zachary Profile Photo


My journey as a pro golfer & sports chiropractor showed me that the health & balance of the body (especially GRIP, HAND EXERCISE, POSTURE, & STRETCHING) is poorly understood not only in golf and other sports but in music, therapy, esports/gaming, computers, smartphones, hobby & the workplace. As a wellness entrepreneur, I’ve helped tens of 1,000’s of people improve their lives, not just their games. At doczac, we're motivated to help people perform at their best! And we hope you'll make use of our products & courses.

Sept. 25, 2023

What grip strength can tell you about how well you’re aging

What grip strength can tell you about how well you’re aging Strength Training Can Help Lower Your Blood Pressure, Especially If You're Over 50 Interview with Dr. Terry Zachary Dr. Zachary's website: https://www.doczac.com/ Ha...