March 5, 2025

Make Eggs Healthy Again

Make Eggs Healthy Again

By Tracy Beanz & Michelle Edwards

Always striving to be healthy, it stuck with me after learning as a teenager that the American food staple, the egg, was “the perfect protein.” Many believe that eggs are the most nutritious food on the planet because, along with other significant health benefits, they are quickly absorbed and effectively used in the body. Even better, they contain all nine essential amino acids—meaning those not produced in the body that must be obtained from the diet—in the proper ratios. Pretty impressive, right? For nearly a century, eggs have also been the cornerstone in the production of the flu vaccine. And since the dawn of the pandemic, studies have found that chicken egg yolk antibodies block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2. Wow! Yet, despite billions in funding going back decades to control bird flu, chickens are being destroyed by the millions, and grocery shelves across the nation have no eggs. What is really going on?

The answer to that question is not really clear, but one thing is certain. The COVID-19 pandemic revealed that the true agenda behind recent public health crises is not at all what we are told. Thus, it is fair to assume that the ongoing fearmongering around bird flu and the mass killing of birds to “protect us” is about something else. In 2023, the U.S. Department of Agriculture paid poultry producers over half a billion dollars to force them to kill their chickens, turkeys, and egg-laying hens after the flu strain H5N1 was detected on their farms. Since 2021, tens of millions of healthy birds—entire flocks—have been slaughtered. How do they carry out this unthinkable mission? One incredibly inhumane way used often is by turning the heat up in barns housing thousands of birds (which is cruel in and of itself), causing them to die from heat stroke. From 2022 to 2024, mass poultry producer Tyson received roughly $30 million, and Jennie-O received over $88 million to cull their birds.

We know the deep-state villains don’t want us healthy, so it’s a safe bet they’d like to eliminate nourishing foods like chickens and eggs. If one is sick, kill them all. They want us to eat bugs and lab-grown meat, after all. If we were to wise up and grow our own food and raise chickens for eggs, we’d have at our fingertips unregulated access to wholesome nutrition. That thought must surely threaten them. With enough nutrients to turn a single fertilized cell into an entire baby chicken, along with vitamins B12, B2, B5, A, and selenium, a large pasture-raised egg (which is much better than conventional) contains small amounts of nearly every vitamin and mineral required by the human body, including calcium, iron, potassium, manganese, zinc, folate, vitamin E, and many others.

On top of that, despite being told otherwise by so-called experts, consuming eggs improves a person’s cholesterol profile and does not raise the risk of heart disease. Eggs are rich in the essential nutrient choline, a significant nutrient for brain health, and is required to synthesize the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Low choline has been linked to neurological disorders and liver and heart diseases. But it doesn’t end there. Eggs are loaded with lutein and zeaxanthin, which lower the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration. With essentially zero carbohydrates, eggs are full of protein and fat and high in satiety, leading to weight loss when chosen over starchy carbs. In reality, cutting out starchy carbs (which turn to sugar), and instead eating proteins, including eggs, would aid in eliminating obesity more than the idea of edible insects. But of course, they’ve got studies promoting the latter.

Considered a superfood, eggs from healthy and well-cared-for chickens are incredible. Yet they are currently either unaffordable or unavailable. To remedy that, on February 26, 2025, U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins announced a $1 billion five-pronged strategy to “curb highly pathogenic avian influenza, protect the U.S. poultry industry, and lower egg prices.” This approach is in addition to funding already being provided to compensate growers for depopulated (culling) flocks as a biosecurity measure. “The Biden administration did little to address the repeated outbreaks and high egg prices that followed,” Rollins wrote, adding, “By contrast, the Trump administration is taking the issue seriously.” She continued, stating, “American farmers need relief, and American consumers need affordable food. To every family struggling to buy eggs: We hear you, we’re fighting for you, and help is on the way.

Following Rollins’ initiative, Dr. Peter McCullough reacted, noting that the “problem is going to actually be tackled.” Still, in an interview with John Solomon’s Real America’s Voice, McCullough remarked that he’d like to hear from the large egg producers about how many birds are actually dying because of bird flu versus how many birds are dying from “this biosecurity measure called culling, or intentionally killing the chickens.” Indeed, that is something every American wants to know. McCullough added:

Rollins did get it right that the mallard ducks are spreading the infection from farm to farm. So, it doesn’t matter how many birds they kill; the virus is going to come back because it’s being spread by mallard ducks. So, we really want to hear that the culling will stop, there will be an allowance for natural immunity, the unhealthy sick birds will be pulled out and destroyed as they always are, and that we take reasonable measures to protect the workers from bird flu. So far, it is a mild illness.

If the big companies are paid to kill healthy chickens and then bring eggs to market at a higher price, they benefit from the higher prices. They actually realize higher profits. So, the big companies are not voicing any concern regarding this biosecurity policy because it’s economically favorable to them.

According to the USDA, elected leaders and industry stakeholders from around the nation are pleased with Rollins’ five-pronged strategy, which includes an up to $100 million investment in “potential new generation vaccines, therapeutics, and other innovative solutions to minimize depopulation of egg laying chickens” combined with other innovative solutions. Ideally, the practice of killing millions of healthy chickens must stop.

So here we are. At this juncture, a solid answer to the question “What is really going on?” is not entirely apparent. As previously noted, one could argue the massive killing of chickens is (or was, if it comes to a halt) part of the deep-state plot to destroy all that is wholesome, good, and healthy. If November 5 had gone a different way and we were left with four more years of what we’ve just endured, the bird flu crisis could very well have been propagandized to justify the mass obliteration of millions more chickens, cows, and whatever else they came up with. And then enter the bugs.

Likewise, the fact that eggs are typically used in the production of flu vaccines makes no difference. Why? Because studies funded by the NIH, Big Pharma, and the like are now promoting mRNA flu injections. By the way, they wrongly call them “vaccines.” And guess what? The production of mRNA injections, including ones being studied for the human flu and bird flu, does not involve the use of eggs. Nope, no eggs needed. Gene-damaging, entire-body contaminating ingredients are the replacement.

By the grace of God, the outcome of November 5 was led by the will of the American people, no doubt out in full force to prevent future reckless experiments on their health. The future will reveal if mRNA human and bird flu “vaccines” become a reality, but hope is visible on the horizon that they don’t. On February 27, 2025, the Department of Health and Human Services announced it is reevaluating the $590 million bird flu “vaccine” contract—and, yes, it is indeed based on using mRNA technology—that the Biden administration awarded Moderna during its final days in office. Add that to Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s cancellation of this year’s flu vaccine ad campaign and a key vaccine policy meeting a couple of days earlier, and it looks like we just might make eggs healthy again.